Thursday, June 19, 2008

LIBRA - The Harmonizer - Good or Bad?!?

Just read the horoscope that my friend send to me... I love horoscopes... it's so true sometimes or maybe just coincidence... 'some-times' but not all the times of course... haha...

Nice to everyone they meet. -> and end up getting bullied sometimes?
Can't make up their mind. -> very true, undecisive - no good.. must change bad habit.
Have own unique appeal. -> haha... what type of appeal?
Creative, energetic, and very social. -> 1st 2 can accept, 2nd - not so true...bit anti-social...
Hates to be alone. -> dun really hate to be alone... sometimes there's need to be alone...
Peaceful, generous. -> quite true... of course when mad, cannot be at peace...
Very loving and beautiful. -> loving maybe but beautiful? in d eyes of beholder? keke...
Flirtatious. -> errrr...
Give in too easily. -> this is quite true... haha
Procrastinators. -> this one even more true...
Very gullible. -> and end up getting cheated... but nowadays not so gullible after all d' experience... but sometimes can end up being pretty defensive...

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