Thursday, June 5, 2008

Passion Run Racing Kit

I collected my running kit last week together with my friend's pack. The running kit consist of a dri-fit singlet, runner's number tag, pins, schedule and a championchip.

It's the first time I find out about this Champion Chip thingy... kinda interesting... ChampionChip is actually a miniature transponder, which is waterproof glass capsule marked with a unique identification number. It contains a silicon chip and an energizing coil that can be used under all weather conditions. It would be activated when it enters the magnetic field. It is being used to record the timing of each runner.

Below is the running kit. The rest of the goody bag only can be collected after finishing the run. I hate the singlet coz of the color... Gosh, hope I can finish the 15km run. Hahaha...

Countdown... 3 more days to go including today... getting nervous.. hahah.. pray for me... = ))

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