Monday, June 15, 2009


CARE BEARS!!! They are as popular as 'My Little Pony' and 'Transformers' last time. Not sure if all of you still remember all these cartoons. I love to watch 'Care Bears' and 'My Little Pony' last time. They all look so cute with their own special characters, which can be identified through the symbols on their tummy, also known as the 'belly badges'. I always love watching them playing in the clouds and when I was li'l kid, I imagine myself floating in the clouds.

There are so many 'Care Bears' characters created and there were even the 'Care Bear Cousins' range created. I still like the original characters such as below:-

Bedtime Bear: Blue with sleepy moon on tummy, always feeling sleepy, helps everyone have a good night sleep and sweet dreams.

Birthday Bear: Golden yellow with candle on cupcake on tummy, always waiting to celebrate everyone's birthdays.

Cheer Bear: Pink with rainbow on tummy, always trying to make everyone more cheerful.

Friend Bear: Yellow with 2 intertwined smiling flowers on tummy, always a friend to everyone.

Funshine Bear: Yellow with smiling sun on tummy, always smiling and ready to have fun all the time. (*just like Ms. Sunshine)

Good Luck Bear: Green with 4 leaf clover on tummy, always bring everyone good luck.

Grumpy Bear: Blue with stormy cloud on tummy, always feeling grumpy. (*just like Ms.Bad.. haha..)

Love-A-Lot Bear: Pale pink with one red heart and one pink heart on tummy, full of love and affection for everyone.

Tender Heart Bear: Brown with big red 'HEART' on tummy, helps everyone show and express their feelings. (*this is GUY friend's favourite bear)

Wish Bear: Turquoise with rainbow and smiling star on tummy, helps everyone makes a wish.

I just suddenly recall on it when we were laughing at one of our guy friend who spent his whole night chasing after 'Care Bears' cartoons. Hahaha... not gonna mention who else I will 'RIP'. Just can't imaging a guy liking 'Care Bears' huh... Anyway, it's not wrong. How come girls can like 'Transformers' and guys can't like 'Care Bears' or 'My Little Pony' or even 'Strawberry Shortcake'?!? It's rare but possible... = ))

Check this out if you don't know what is 'CARE BEARS'

Trust me... some people really don't know and never heard of 'CARE BEARS' before... guess different generation.... hahaha.... at least they are cute NOT LIKE 'TELLY TUBBIES'!!! :p

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