Saturday, April 5, 2008

Blood Donation - Iron Deficiency?!?

Missed my practise this morning... was too tired and could not get up... *sigh...

Went to collect my medical report and everything was NORMAL and OK. Wanted to meet up with a friend for lunch but she was held up at work so I ended up eating alone.

I went walk walk around Chinatown and window-shopped here and there. There were SALES and I end up buying a few pair of sport bottom. Shopaholic couldn't resist it... keke... Well, at least I really do need them.

After walking for the whole afternoon, I ended up at the BLOOD bank coz I feel like donating blood. I went for a couple times but always end up not donating, either the place is not open, long Q due to a lot of nurses on MC, etc... Today ain't the right day too... Iron Deficiency... = ((

After all the registration, questionnaires, doctor's interview.... blood test shows that my iron is low... doctor assured that I'm healthy... just that I have enough blood for myself but not for donation. He gave me some iron tablets and a list of recommended food to boost up my iron. He told me that I can come again after 3 weeks or 1 month if I really want to donate.
Guess I just need to try again 1 month later....

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