Saturday, July 5, 2008

Wah Lau - Vulgar?

Hmmm... My colleague tells me that I should not be using "Wah Lau" coz it's vulgar...

OMG! I didn't know about it and I had been using it for quite some time. Shame on me. Hahaha. Google-ed on it... This is what I found...

Actually, it has almost the same meaning as 'Oh My Goodness...' BUT actually it is a more polite way of saying 'Wah Lan'... which means ('Oh my penis...') in Hokkien. That's bad right... If you say the same phrase in a different tone, it may mean 'My Old..' or 'My Husband...' It could also mean nothing coz not everyone know what it actually means. People just think that it originates from Singapore 'Singlish'.

Think I better keep this off my dictionary. Hahaha...

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