Thursday, March 5, 2009


The other day I was watching the movie 'MONEY NOT ENOUGH II' and I find it pretty interesting. The way the movie is filmed, really reflect the reality in life and it's so true. I actually cried watching this movie. Haven't cried watching any movie for a LOOONG time.

The movie is actually about the Ups and Downs in the life of 3 brothers. It is on the way they live their lives, managing own self, career, family and all. And how they treat their elderly mother during good and bad times. It is pretty CRUEL and SAD to watch the part on how they actually treated their mother BUT it's so TRUE in the current society. They started to push the responsibility to take care of their mother when she gets dementia and just can't control her urine. They even thought of sending her to the Old Folks Home.

How can people be so patient with 'BABIES'... changing their nappies... smelling their pee and poo-poo... bearing their cries... even in the wee hours... BUT they just can't bear with their own elderly parents... can't stand the smell when they can't control their urgency to go to toilet... can't stand the frustration when they keep asking the same question as their memory just deteriorate as they grow older... *SIGH...

Well, I hope you all out there... BE NICE to your parents... without them, you will not be in this world... You would not like to be treated badly when you grow old next time, right?!?

Go watch the movie if you have not watch it... = )

** Money is never enough for people... especially in this materialistic world... did u ever hear people saying... no need to increase my salary... i have enough already... hahahha...

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