Friday, August 8, 2008


080808 -> 8th August 2008... fav auspicious day for the Chinese? fatt... fatt... fatt...

This is the day which happends once in a lifetime. You will get another 080808 maybe only after 1000 years in year 3008. = )

Today, I had one HELL of the time at work... so stressed up and still have to work on the 'TW' project... my colleague and I got arrowed to do the stuff... anyway, I'm soooo very glad, it's weekend again and looking forward to next Wed... can go back to KL for a long break.

Today's also the Beijing Olympic 2008 Opening Ceremony. Everyone rushed back to watch but I left office late... so not in time... anyway, my hommies both watching different shows on TV, one busy chasing Korean series and another watching 'Ghost Whisperer'... so I end up online here, blogging. Hahaha..

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